C.I.N.: U74120UP2012PTC051143
(A Contractor Company of Civil,Mechanical,Electrical and Structural Engineering Projects)
The turnkey project envisages a serious responsibility on the part of the contractor to make detailed project plans to fulfill the following projects objectives:
Project organization structure
The project organization for implementation of work shown below:
1. Rig Side -The rig spread requires a minimum 100-ft. wide by 150-ft. long area. This area should extend from the entry point away from the crossing, although the entry point should be at least 10 ft inside the prescribed area. Since many components of the rig spread have no predetermined position, the rig site can be made up of smaller irregular areas. Operations are facilitated if the area is level, hard standing and clear of overhead obstructions. The drilling operation requires large volumes of water for the mixing of the drilling slurry. A nearby source of water is necessary
2. Pipe Side - Strong consideration should be given to provide a sufficient length of work space to fabricate the product pipeline into one string. The width will be as necessary for normal pipeline construction although a work space of 100-ft. wide by 150-ft. long should be provided at the exit point itself. The length will assure that during the pullback the pipe can be installed in one uninterrupted operation. Tie-ins of successive strings during the pullback operation increase the risk considerably because the pullback should be continuous.
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