C.I.N.: U74120UP2012PTC051143

(A Contractor Company of Civil,Mechanical,Electrical and Structural Engineering Projects)

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* Digital InfraStructure & Telecom Construction Services

 Technowix is an exclusive Telecom Network solution provider, consisting of young & dynamic entrepreneurs having experience in the field of Fiber Optic Cabling, trenching, blowing, Splicing & Testing, etc. Various activities involved in this operation are as under:

  • Open Trenching
  • Horizontal Directional Drilling process
  • Laying of the HDPE pipe
  • Duct Integration Test
  • OFC Pre-installation test.
  • Blowing of the Optical Fiber Cable into the duct by using Air Compressors.
  • Splicing/termination of the OFC at nominated junctions.
  • Splicing & jointing of OPGW (Optical Parallel Ground Wire), after stringing of the OFC in the Towers.
  • Point to point testing of the joints with OTDR (Optical Time Domain Reflectometer).
  • Final Link Test to establish the connectivity from one end to the other end of a particular stretch.
  • Tower and rooftop site construction
  • Foundation design and analysis, including concrete and screw pile foundations
  • Complete civil builds (including site acquisition, power, roads, tower foundations, shelter and genset installation)
  • Microwave backhaul design, installation and commission
  • Generation of various Test Reports.

* Trenchless Technology (Horizontal Direction Drilling)

Technowix is a full service, turnkey utility contractor providing services in all areas of utilities construction. Horizontal Directional Drilling is a controllable trenchless method of laying underground pipelines, based on using special drilling machines. The international name is HDD or Horizontal Directional Drilling. The length of pipeline laying can vary between some meters to some kilometers, and hole diameter can be more than 1200mm. The HDD method uses polyethylene, steel pipes and pipes made of other materials. It’s important to note that the harmful effect influencing on the environment is minimal. We have own setup of HDD machines and experienced staff.

we are expert in following projects done by Trenchless technology

  • HDPE / MDPE Duct laying used for Telecom Construction.
  • GI / Steel Pipe Installation for Water line or swearage System.
  • Electric cable laying (HT /LT ) with or without casing
  • Gas Pipeline Installation


* Casing Pipes Installation and Associated work

Casing Pipes are used for Casing of oil & gas wells. Steel Casing Pipes, are applied to furnishing & installing cased tunnels, where they indicate to pass other utilities or obstructions without open excavation. Steel Casing Pipes have smooth wall & minimum yield strength of 35,000 psi. 
Corrosion proofing water based paint is applied on the outside pipe surface, to protect against the atmospheric corrosion during transportation & storage. The pipes could be delivered with metal or composite caps at both ends for thread protection. We have all type of machinery and facility to complete installation of casing pipe.


*Operation & Maintenance of Network

Maintenance of Network is very import to made operation cost effective in telecom industry. We provide flexible, integrated, dependable, quality and responsive solutions for the Operation & Maintenance requirements in the telecom industry. the services provided by us are cost effective and  in line with the customer expectations. Our O&M team has a supervisor, splicer, assistant splicer, patroller and a helper for every range defined by customer


*Digital Network setup by Optical Fiber To The Anywhere 

we are setting up optical fiber cable network for various requirement as per client need. our expert teams are ideal in areas:
- Transcontinental network,
- Wide area networks and local
- Intercollegiate network,
- Industrial networks,
- Internet access and telecommunications services,
- Data link
- Subscriber Services,
- Cable TV,
- Remote monitoring and alerting,
- Transmission media